Portable Air Purifiers
What is the Program?
With the help of amazing partners, Oakridge Air has distributed over 1,600 high quality portable air purifiers to residents. These purifiers help protect health when the air quality is bad!
Do you need a personal air purifier? We have air purifiers for immediate distribution for qualified applicants! To qualify, you must be a resident of the Oakridge/Westfir area and not already have a GROVPURE air purifier in your home. To apply, please visit our office. We continue to apply for additional grants for more air purifiers and filter replacements for the community.
You can always reach us at info@oakridgeair.org or (541) 782-3422 if you have any questions or concerns.
Air Purifier Information & Resources
Grovpure Aspen
Honeywell Air Genius 5

Cleaner Air Public Spaces
Protecting our schools and public spaces: In summer 2020, we upgraded the air filtration at all our schools and public buildings to ensure better indoor air quality for our children and residents. In the future, the school can provide a cleaner air space for our residents to seek shelter during large smoke events or other emergencies.