Chimney Sweeps
What is the Program?
Oakridge Air has funding to pay up to $250 for Chimney Sweeps for residents of Oakridge and surrounding areas. Proper maintenance, including annual chimney sweeping is necessary for optimal performance of any wood heating device.
Chimney Sweep Provider:
2nd Chance Roof & Chimney // 541-731-3740 //2ndchanceroofandchimney@gmail.com
Residents are currently eligible for one voucher annually.
The resident must be authorized to accept this free service (either as homeowner or qualified tenant).
2nd Chance Roof & Chimney will call the resident to schedule appointments for chimney sweep services. If you do not respond or coordinate to schedule an appointment, your opportunity for this service could be missed.
This is a first come, first serve program with limited vouchers available.
This voucher must be redeemed at the time of service with the participating chimney sweep listed above.
This voucher is good for one chimney sweep service not to exceed $250.
Any cost over $250 will be paid by the resident to the chimney sweep provider at the time of service.
2nd Chance Roof & Chimney reserves the right to set their own pricing and scheduling.