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Indoor Air Quality

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Seasonal Indoor Air Quality Impacts

Summer Air Quality Impacts


During a wildfire, smoke can make the outdoor air unhealthy to breathe. Local officials may advise you to stay indoors during a smoke event. You should be aware that some of the smoke from the outdoors can enter your home and make it unhealthy to breathe indoor air, too.


If you are close to a wildfire, the fire itself, as well as heavy smoke and ash, can pose serious, immediate risks to your safety and health. You and your family should be prepared to evacuate immediately if told to do so. Farther from a wildfire, you may be exposed to smoke even if the fire itself is far away.

If you can’t get away, look into creating a “cleaner air room” and utilize an air purifier. If you don’t have one, a box fan with a MERV 13-rated filter attached can work to improve air quality in that space!

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Winter Air Quality Impacts

Residential Wood Smoke

Wood smoke can affect everyone, but the populations known to be at greater risk include children, teenagers, older adults, people with lung disease -- including asthma and COPD, people with heart disease, outdoor workers, and people of low socioeconomic status, including those who are homeless and with limited access to medical care. Research indicates that obesity or diabetes may also increase risk. New or expectant mothers may also want to take precautions to protect the health of their babies because some studies indicate they may be at increased risk.


The best way to reduce wintertime wood smoke impacts is to use electrical heat especially during “red days”. If this isn’t an option for you, see below to learn more about wintertime wood home heating exempt list.

Tips to Reduce Residential Wood Smoke

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1. Use only dry, seasoned firewood

2. Use plenty of kindling

3. Avoid big pieces of wood

4. Give the fire enough air

5. Don't dampen down overnight

Check your chimney to see how you did! Opacity should not exceed 20%.

Home Heating Exempt Options

People can qualify to be on the Wood Home Heating Exempt list for two reasons: 


1. Wood is your only heat source - Click Here to Apply


2. Your income level allows for wood burning as a low-cost heat source - Click Here to Apply


Being on the exempt list DOES NOT MEAN that your home can violate clean burning rules. Smoke coming out of a chimney at any time cannot be greater than 20% opacity. See below for tips to reduce residential wood smoke.

Fall & Spring Air Quality Impacts

Prescribed Fire

Prescribed fire is used to reduce the risk of a catastrophic, large wildfire. This means fire is strategically used on the landscape to burn up debris and reduce wildfire risk around Oakridge and Westfir.


While prescribed fire impacts are planned to be minimal in the Oakridge and Westfir communities, they can happen. Oakridge Air will communicate via email and Facebook when smoke impacts are expected.

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